Smithereens is a film directed and produced by Susan Seidelman in the late 1970s. The film was shot in a 'wild way' in the streets of a New York during the financial crisis. The director portrays the main character as a shameless and unsympathetic woman evolving within the urban environment. Between rubble, graffiti and wastelands, Wren is desperate for fame. The city becomes her playground, with multiple opportunities, that she unfortunately can't seize. Her life is perceived as an 'amusing chaos'. A permanent instability also found in Susan Seidelman's second film: Desperately Seeking Susan.
Wren . . . . . Susan Berman
Paul . . . . . Brad Rinn
Eric . . . . . Richard Hell
Cecile . . . . . Nada Despotovich
Billy . . . . . Roger Jett
Blonde . . . . . Kitty Summerall
Landlady . . . . . Robynne White
Ed . . . . . D.J. O'Neill
Xerox boss . . . . . Joel Rooks
Terry . . . . . Pamela Speed
Mike . . . . . Tom Cherwin